O~penness. C~onscientiousness. E~xtraversion. A~greeableness. N~euroticism.

The Five Factors of Personality: Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism ~ “OCEAN”.

Scientists have found that personality adjectives tended to clump into five major categories and the five-factor model emerged from this.

The thing we LOVE the most about this is ALL of us have ALL of these just in differing “amounts”. So no pigeon-holing here!

We LOVE learning more about ourselves BUT do not enjoy the feeling of not quite fitting the profile of many other profiling/ personality tests out there.


The ancient Icelandic word for:

“the sea within”, to see within” & “to see from the inside out”.

Discovering who you are is a never-ending adventure.

What this test does, essentially, is tell you where you fall on the spectrum of each of the clusters.

The Big Five also differs in the way it asks questions. It puts forward a direct statement that you agree or disagree with to varying degrees.

It’s time to get back to YOU! ❤️

To move from confusion to clarity,

fear to freedom,

personas to purpose,

hopelessness to possibility,

AND actively creating new choices for YOU.

“O-C-E-A-N” isn’t another personality quiz, it’s the largest scientific body of study on personality traits.

It supports people committed to creating a better future with their uniqueness. 

What would it take to create a fulfilled future for YOU?

What do your spectrums of






enlighten you about your innsæi?

1. Complete the Form Below.

2. Receive your results via email.

3. Share with the World! Share this page with everyone you know. What wave of insight can we inspire? 

Together, we can create a new future, and a sustainable living earth that we know is possible. 

Are you IN?

If you have questions, you can email tarryn@tarrynwinson.com