Throwing money away on uncoachable executives?

“Considering that a year’s engagement with a top executive coach can cost more than $100,000, it’s an important question.”- Matt Brubaker and Chris Mitchell

Coaching is a powerful and effective partnership when the coach and the executive are aligned. Ask any coach how much they LOVE coaching uncoachable executives and you will get the same response…No Thank You! But how can companies and coaches know who is coachable and who isn’t?

Four Flags:

  1. They blame external factors for their problems.
  2. You can’t get on their calendar.
  3. They focus too much on tips and tactics.
  4. They delay getting started with a coach to “do more research” or “find the right person.”

There are many other leadership development options to support these executives! Invest your time and budget in executives and clients who are willing and have the capacity to catalyse change.

What do you think? Maybe you’d like to read on? Check out the full version here then send me an email to discuss how this might impact your own business: